Cleaning Tips For A Busy Household

No doubt life seems to be getting busier by the day. It is no surprise that finding the time to clean our living spaces becomes more and more of a challenge. We have put together 6 easy tips to help keep your home and living spaces clean and tidy.

  1. Spread it out: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t feel the need to designate one day to do ALL your cleaning. Often this can feel overwhelming and leads to unwanted procrastination. Instead break up your cleaning tasks over the week. Spending around 15 minutes to an hour cleaning each day can substantially reduce the number of hours spent cleaning and won’t feel like such a tedious task.
  1. Do it together:If you have children old enough, start involving them in everyday cleaning by delegating tasks.
  1. Make it a ‘power clean’:At the end of every day, spend 10 minutes to do a nightly tidy up around the house. This prevents clutter from piling up, which in turn makes cleaning overwhelming when you get to the end of the week.
  1. Clean as you cook:Often cooking in the kitchen is one of the easiest ways to create clutter and mess. That is why it is important to clean as you go. Put dishes away and clean your kitchen bench before sitting down for your meal. Cleaning as you go not only saves time but always keeps your kitchen in top shape.
  1. Clean where you are most bothered first:You might have one or more places in your living space that drives you crazy when it gets dirty. It could be your fridge, the way you order your clothes in your closet, your kitchen bench. Tackle those things first and you will instantly release stress and tension you have around cleaning.
  1. Keep the dirt out in the first place:Often dirt enters the home from the outside. Keep a mat outside to keep dirt out. Invest in a shoe rack outside your home so you are reminded to remove shoes before entering your home.

Our Natural Kitchen range Infused with nature’s purest essential oils we have harnessed the finest oils from nature’s wonders putting together a cleaning range that works powerfully and consciously crafted like nature Intends.We believe the smallest, simplest changes we make in our daily lives, can contribute towards creating a cleaner, greener, sustainable footprint on the earth.

Our Natural Kitchen range is infused with nature’s purest essential oils. No nasty chemicals and safe for the whole family.

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